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Yoga Apparel Brand Shows Real Beauty

The benefits of yoga range from healing aches and pains in the body, to fortifying the immune system. It comes with little surprise that people of all ages; taking up a yoga practice has positively impacted backgrounds, shapes and sizes. While many are mindful of the reasons that bring them to the studio, not much thought goes into the messaging behind the clothes these yogis sport in class.

As the yoga movement gains popularity in Western markets, many brands are jumping on the opportunity to appeal to this growing group. A majority of these labels utilize nearly identical, thin and flawless models to advertise their exercise ensembles. This creates quite a paradox for the modern yogi: while photo retouching promotes a standardized image of “the beautiful yoga body,” this rigidity does not reflect the diversity and variety within each practitioner’s yoga journey.

New athletic apparel brand YOGASMOGA is challenging that stereotype. The yoga-inspired line has a staunch commitment to using original photos: as a rule, YOGASMOGA doesn’t use any body retouching in their photography.

“This idea stems from our understanding of beauty as a unique concept,” explains (co)-founder Tapasya Bali, “every person is beautiful, and we want our photography to convey an honest admiration of variety.” After browsing the YOGASMOGA website, this appreciation is evident: many shapes, looks and ethnicities, are represented in a realistically beautiful way.

“YOGASMOGA challenges the consumer to go deeper and ‘consider the clothes you wear.’ One way we can do this is consider how our clothes are represented,” shares Bali. “By not retouching our photos, we can show how our styles look on different body types…. and hopefully challenge consumers to think differently about what is beautiful.”

Learn more about how YOGASMOGA is challenging the modern yoga market on their website,