BROOKLYN, NY (April 15, 2015) — Childhood obesity has steadily increased over the years, becoming a major health crisis that has more than doubled in children since the 1970s. Children living in NYC’s most vulnerable communities face obstacles that hinder healthy and active lifestyles. High crime rates, shortages of open spaces, scaled back physical education programs in public schools, and an increased focus on standardized testing contribute to childhood obesity.
Live Light Live Right is seeking interns for the summer program that are interested in learning about childhood obesity, healthy lifestyle and the importance of physical fitness. If you are interested please send your resume to with the details of what areas that you would like to focus on learning.
It’s hard to believe that summer is finally here. We are starting the 2015 Kids Ride Club and are looking for kids to join us.
In 2014 we started our Kids Ride Club with our partners Bike NY and it was a huge success. Our process is to teach children and their families to ride safely, have fun and get great exercise. The rides are mapped out in a way the the children are able to explore our great city and have new adventures.
If you are interested and would like more information, please contact us at 718-240-8125.
Youth from the Live Light Live Right program participated in a Knockout Obesity demonstration at Brownsville Recreation Center. Now, the two non-profits have set in motion a year-long health initiative to start March 3, 2015.
On February 24th, 2015 we will start our new spring 2015 boxing program with Knockout Obesity. It will be held at our partner location, CAMBA Beacon166. We are excited for this new venture. The program will be twice a week for one-hour. The model is 50 minutes of exercise and 10 minutes of nutrition counseling.
The “KO Program” was established in 2013 by Dimitri Verteouris, Founder and Executive Director, and is dedicated to helping children develop physical fitness and nutrition habits that will promote healthy lifestyles and prevent obesity. The synergy between are programs makes for a wonderful partnership. We look forward to “knocking out” obesity with them.
If you are interested in learning more about our program please contact us at 718-240-8125.
The benefits of yoga range from healing aches and pains in the body, to fortifying the immune system. It comes with little surprise that people of all ages; taking up a yoga practice has positively impacted backgrounds, shapes and sizes. While many are mindful of the reasons that bring them to the studio, not much thought goes into the messaging behind the clothes these yogis sport in class.
As the yoga movement gains popularity in Western markets, many brands are jumping on the opportunity to appeal to this growing group. A majority of these labels utilize nearly identical, thin and flawless models to advertise their exercise ensembles. This creates quite a paradox for the modern yogi: while photo retouching promotes a standardized image of “the beautiful yoga body,” this rigidity does not reflect the diversity and variety within each practitioner’s yoga journey.
BROOKLYN, NY (October 20, 2014) — The obesity epidemic is a crisis in poor communities like Brownsville, Brooklyn, where two-thirds of children ages 5 to 11 are overweight. Brooklyn based charity, Knockout Obesity, began implementing its new “KO Program” this summer, supporting community centers serving low-income neighborhoods. On Saturday, October 25, 2014, at 10:00AM, Knockout Obesity will host a boxing demonstration for Live Light Live Right youth at Brownsville Recreation Center (1555 Linden Boulevard, Brooklyn, NY 11212).
Currently, Knockout Obesity is hosting its first eight-week pilot program at Bushwick-Hylan Cornerstone located in the Bushwick-Hylan NYCHA Houses. Knockout Obesity provides a course blueprint and professional boxer to teach each class. Boxing equipment is donated to participating community centers, and existing staff is trained to sustain the program year round.
Charity founder and Brooklyn restaurateur, Dimitrios Verteouris, personally contributes to the weekly KO classes, engaging youth in a variety of boxing drills and calisthenics, followed by a cool down period and nutrition lesson. A former cast member on Food Network’s reality show, Fat Chef, Verteouris lost 82lbs in three months using boxing and his own good eats at Nature’s Grill.
Earlier this year, Knockout Obesity was the recipient of a $25,000 donation from Two-Time and Two Division Boxing World Champion and NABF Welterweight Champion Paulie “Magic Man” Malignaggi. Knockout Obesity has been featured by ESPN, The Insider, New York Daily News, New York Post, Metro NY, Hot 97 and more.
About Live Light Live Right
Live Light, Live Right is a Brookdale Hospital and community-based partnership, non-profit 501(c)(3), serving overweight and
obese children ages 2-19. Nearly half of the children in the program are those who live below the poverty line; suffer from a BMI
>95th percentile or are at high risk of developing diabetes or other serious chronic diseases. By providing free or highly subsidized services, Live Light has already helped over 2,500 children improve their diet, exercise habits, and their health. The novel, multi-disciplinary approach has resulted in positive health outcomes, including the reduction of Body Mass Index scores, cholesterol, blood pressure, and insulin levels for nearly three-quarters of all participants.
Live Light Live Right is supporting our partners Brooklyn District Public Health Office and NYC Parks and Recreation who is offering a 10-week comprehensive Fitness Instructor Training Program, which follows with a 6-month internship. The class will give you hands-on experience that will prepare you for the nationally accredited certification exam.
Live Light Live Right is proud to be adding to our partnership with the CAMBA ( Beacon Program a 7-week summer camp program. We have 150 campers that are enrolled in the summer camp.
The summer camp program consists of:
Nutritional Counseling: Our certified nutritionist has created educational and engaging workshops that will teach the children about basic nutrition, reading labels, alternatives to high fat foods, portion control, and reduction in juice and increase in water consumption, and healthy snack options that will keep the child full and satisfied in between meals.
Physical Fitness and Activity: Two days a week, our two senior trainers share their infectious energy with the summer camp participants. The classes are primarily fitness games focused on creating a fun filled atmosphere for the children. Our trainer’s motivate and encourage the children to continue participating in activities throughout the rest of the week, by giving examples of exercises that they would enjoy.
Trips: We have planned and funded weekly trips that the summer camp participants will be going on. Some of the trips that are included are Gleason’s Gym, The Toy Museum, NYC parks, and local farming with East New York Farms to educate the children about food production, local sourcing for food and cooking locally sourced vegetables.
The children are having an amazing time this summer in the program.
Live Light Live Right is honored to be invited to be a part of the 2nd NBC and New York Giants Health and Fitness Expo at The Met Life Stadium in Rutherford, NJ.
Live Light Live Right will have a booth at the expo and will be doing screenings, demos and exercise contests. If you are in the area, please stop by.
Please see below for more information about the event provided in a press release by Dawn Rowan, NBC New York.
FREE and Open to the Public on Saturday, July 19 and Sunday, July 20 at MetLife Stadium
EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. (July 9, 2014) – Fun, free and family-friendly, NBC 4 New York and the New York Giants are teaming up to host the second annual Health & Fitness Expo presented by Quest Diagnostics, a Proud Partner in Health of the New York Giants. Families in the tri-state area are invited to MetLife Stadium on Saturday, July 19 and Sunday, July 20 from 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. for a full weekend of fitness activities, health screenings and much more.
Live Light Live Right is partnering with bodysculpt of New Yorkfor a 6-Week Fitness Challenge. “Body Sculpt of New York, Inc. is a not-for-profit, health and fitness organization, whose mission is to educate parents and children about obesity and offer healthy lifestyle alternatives, physical fitness, and nutrition.” To learn more about bodysculpt of New York visit their website
This Fitness Challenge began on July 7th at CAMBA ( community center in Brooklyn, NY and is three consecutive days, for a total of six weeks. It is aimed at improving the overall fitness levels of eligible children, age 12 years and above, conducted by Certified Fitness Instructors, Includes; soccer, cardio kickboxing, track & field, hip hop, yoga, volleyball and healthy eating nutrition workshops.
In order to measure the children’s success, we will conduct a fitness test and body fat assessment at the beginning and end of the program, which is done by the staff at Live Light Live Right.
Please come and join the Live Light Live Right Program in supporting the 11th Annual Children’s Sports and Fitness Expo sponsored by bodysculpt of New York in association with BMS Family Health Center on June 28, 2014 from 10:00am to 5:00pm.
Live Light Live Right participants will be joining with body sculpt of New York to do a 6-week fitness challenge this summer.
Bike New York holds free bike education classes at the Community Bike Education Center at PS/IS 202, the Ernest S. Jenkyns School located at 982 Hegeman Avenue, in East New York. Whether you have a child who is ready to ditch their training wheels and ride a two-wheeler for the first time, or you’re an adult who is ready to ride, there is a class for you!
We’ll teach the whole family how to ride independently on two wheels! Learn more and register at Bikes and helmets are provided for free at the adult classes, and we’ll take the training wheels off your child’s bike.