
Participant of the Month: Ariana


When Ariana’s grandmother learned that her 9-year-old granddaughter was developing insulin resistance and would be prescribed medication, she rallied the support team together.  She wanted to do everything she could to stop the disease process in its track and make sure Ariana would be healthy.

The family listened to the treatment teams’ advice to cut out excess sugar, eat plenty of vegetables, stop frying food and stop drinking juice. Ariana took more dance classes. And when she did a repeat blood test, she no longer needed to be on medication! This goal was reached because everyone in the family participated.

Ariana said it wasn’t hard, but her grandmother noticed that at times Ariana struggled with this new way of eating.  Along with modifying her diet, Ariana continued to exercise at the BRC.  Ariana fondly calls the BRC trainer Ebony “a pusher”.   Ariana explained that Ms. Ebony “pushes me, but I love it.”

Ariana further explains that “To whom much is given much is required”.  To Ariana, that means that if someone gives you the opportunity to do something you should push yourself and try your very best to succeed.