Press Release
Fighting Obesity One Child At A Time, Because Nothing Should Weigh a Child Down.
Brooklyn, NY (September 9, 2015) Live Light Live Right (LLLR) partnered with Crunch Fitness, the Crown Heights location in Brooklyn, for the Summer Fitness Challenge. Crunch Fitness incorporated their “Sweat School” into the exercise portion of LLLR’s fitness program. Crunch Fitness has sweat school classes at other NYC locations as well including Crunch W83rd Street. The Sweat School is a one–hour class taught by a group fitness instructor at Crunch, Kelley Green, that included; circuit training, a class called POUND®, obstacles course, running and lots of fun fitness activities. “We created Sweat School to show kids that fitness can be fun so that they can establish a healthy relationship with fitness that they can carry with them through their lives,” says Christina DeGuardi, SVP of Marketing, and Branding & Communications at CRUNCH.
The LLLR children participated in this program twice a week, in addition to working out with a LLLR trainer, Ebony, in a local park playing basketball and running. The children enjoyed the program at Crunch Fitness and were excited each week for the classes that instructor Kelley was providing for them. Kelley stated, “We are having a blast, it’s been a great joy getting to know the LLLR kids.” Live Light Live Right hopes to continue the relationship with Crunch Fitness and create a long-term program with them to work together to fight childhood obesity. “ We are very excited about expanding our partnership with Crunch Fitness, and the Fitness Challenge was a wonderful opportunity to expose our children to the programs they have to offer,” says Dr. Sarita Dhuper, Founder and Executive Director of Live Light Live Right.
About Live Light Live Right
Live Light, Live Right (www.livelight.org) is a Brookdale Hospital and community-based partnership, non-profit 501 (c) (3), serving overweight and obese children ages 2-19. Nearly half of the children in the program are those who live below the poverty line; suffer from a BMI >95th percentile or are at high risk of developing diabetes or other serious chronic diseases. By providing free or highly subsidized services, Live Light has already helped over 2,500 children improve their diet, exercise habits, and their health. The novel, multi-disciplinary approach has resulted in positive health outcomes, including the reduction of Body Mass Index scores, cholesterol, blood pressure, and insulin levels for nearly three-quarters of all participants.
About Crunch Fitness
Crunch is a gym that believes in making serious exercise fun by fusing fitness and entertainment and pioneering a philosophy of No Judgments. Headquartered in New York City, and co-owned by New Evolution Ventures (NeV) and private-equity firm Angelo, Gordon, Crunch serves over 500,000 members with over 115 gyms worldwide, including 92 franchise locations in MA, PA, NY, NJ, CT, WA, OR, CA, TX, FL, KY, VA, Puerto Rico and Australia, and is rapidly expanding across the U.S. and around the globe. Go to www.crunch.com for more information.
Press Contact:
Alisha Rappaport
Director of Marketing and Development
Live Light Live Right
Website: www.livelight.org
Twitter: @livelightright
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/live-light-live-right
Facebook: www.facebook.com/livelightright
Jessica Pollack
Public Relations Director
212- 993-0360