Live Light Live Right is Introducing a Special Program to Help Your Child Achieve a Healthier and Happier Lifestyle: P.A.T.H. (Parents As Teachers and Healers)
The goal of the P.A.T.H. Program is to provide parents with a set of special skills, so that they can guide their own child/children in coping with his or her weight problem. Our goal is to teach the parent to become the teacher and healer in partnership with our expert doctors.
This will be a unique 6-week training program to a select group of parents in the following areas:
- Healthy Eating and Nutrition
- Healthy Activity and Exercise
- Positive Self-Esteem and Coping Skills
- Medical Concerns with Obesity
We will start the program on November 1st, with an introductory meeting that will outline the topics of the 6 weekly sessions. We are limiting the program to LLLR participants between the ages of 5-12.