Judging from the smiles on the faces of the children and the many positive and encouraging comments received from their parents, the 10th Annual Children’s Sports & Fitness Expo-Body Sculpt was a major success. More than 2,000 children and adults attended the June 15 event at the Boys and Girls High School in Brooklyn.
Visitors took part in over 27 sports and nutrition activities. Children were encouraged to participate in at least two sports activities, a nutrition workshop and a health screening if they wanted to receive a goodie bag. The sports activities included soccer, fencing, tennis, volleyball, golf, gymnastics, double dutch, football, track and field and much more.

Local area health practitioners provided the health screenings for asthma, vision, dental, blood pressure and body mass index. The expo exercised the mind too: There were environmental education and chess workshops. Adults participated in our Adult Zumba/Cardio Bootcamp Challenge. A cash prize was awarded to the first place winner and Spa packages were awarded to the second and third place winners.

The Live Light Live Right program provided exercise and nutrition information along with BMI screenings. Our staff screened over 200 people at the event! Anyone who completed a BMI screening was given a Live Light Live Right Water bottle or baseball cap.
After the BMI screen, nutritional information was given and if the child was overweight or obese, our staff provided information about the Live Light Live Right program. Many people were surprised by their Body Mass Index.
Other health screening stations included dental screenings by Methodist Hospital, FDNY provided CPR simulations, NYU School of Dentistry provided information for families. There was also vision screening for children.
There was a raffle prize for the participants of the event, and Live Light Live Right donated Nike sneakers for this raffle.