On Saturday, August 15, 2015 The Brownsville Recreation Center had their annual Back to School-Back Pack Drive. This was a fun and exciting event with activities that included, a fitness station, game station, hula hoop station, DJ, a dance contest with refreshments for all to enjoy. In keeping in line with the mission of fitness, over 5000 pencils were spread out across the entire field and once the children received their back packs, they were allowed to race across the field and pick up as many pencils as they possibly could and place them inside of their brand new colorful back packs. The Live Light Live Right program was able to sponsor this event and every child in attendance received a back pack with school supplies, such as note books, folders, pencils, pens, markers, erasers, pencil sharpeners and reading books for school.
We are proud partners with the Brownsville Recreation Center and all the work that they do to help the children and their families of the Brownsville community.