Author: Alisha Rappaport

Live Light Live Right 2015 Summer Camp


The Live Light Live Right team is already planning for 2015 Summer Camp. We will have amazing programs to sign up for like a fitness challenge, Kids Ride Club, Fresh Air Fund and CAMBA Summer Camp. If you would like to know more about these programs or are interested in signing up, please contact us at 718-240-8125.

Live Light Live Right Holiday Party


Live Light Live Right was able to give the best holiday party On December 12, 2014 to our participants thanks to the generosity of Teresa Tsai, President and Chief Executive Officer at Interventure and Robin Hood Foundation.

Our party was held at our CAMBA Beacon 166 program location. The Live Light Live Right trainers worked tirelessly with our participants to choreograph several dances for the children to perform for all of our guests. Our own Chef Nico catered the food, which was both delicious and nutritious.

Santa made a visit and surprised many of our children with presents from their wish list. We were grateful many of our partners were there to help us celebrate with our children and their families. It was a great event.

Live Light Live Right Kids Bike Ride Club


It’s hard to believe that summer is finally here. We are starting the 2015 Kids Ride Club and are looking for kids to join us.

In 2014 we started our Kids Ride Club with our partners Bike NY and it was a huge success. Our process is to teach children and their families to ride safely, have fun and get great exercise. The rides are mapped out in a way the the children are able to explore our great city and have new adventures.

If you are interested and would like more information, please contact us at 718-240-8125.

“Knocking Out Obesity”

Youth from the Live Light Live Right program participated in a Knockout Obesity demonstration at Brownsville Recreation Center. Now, the two non-profits have set in motion a year-long health initiative to start March 3, 2015.
Youth from the Live Light Live Right program participated in a Knockout Obesity demonstration at Brownsville Recreation Center. Now, the two non-profits have set in motion a year-long health initiative to start March 3, 2015.

On February 24th, 2015 we will start our new spring 2015 boxing program with Knockout Obesity. It will be held at our partner location, CAMBA Beacon166. We are excited for this new venture. The program will be twice a week for one-hour. The model is 50 minutes of exercise and 10 minutes of nutrition counseling.

The “KO Program” was established in 2013 by Dimitri Verteouris, Founder and Executive Director, and is dedicated to helping children develop physical fitness and nutrition habits that will promote healthy lifestyles and prevent obesity. The synergy between are programs makes for a wonderful partnership. We look forward to “knocking out” obesity with them.

If you are interested in learning more about our program please contact us at 718-240-8125.

What is Insulin resistance and how does it contribute to obesity?

Sarita Dhuper, MD, FACC, Founder and Executive Director, Live Light Live Right

Insulin is a hormone made in the pancreas by a group of cells called Beta cells. When we eat carbohydrates—sugars and starches found in many foods they finally convert into glucose that enters the bloodstream. With the help of insulin, cells throughout the body absorb glucose and use it for energy. Insulin helps muscle, fat, and liver cells absorb glucose from the bloodstream, lowering blood glucose levels and when there is excess it stores it in the form of glycogen in the liver.

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Is Coconut Oil Healthy?

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Written By Judy E. Marshel, PhD, RD, CDN
Coconut oil, previously shunned by the health and wellness community for its high saturated fat content, is now a staple cooking oil in many households. It can be found not only in specialty health food stores, but at most local grocers as well.

While many healthy professional tout the benefits, many organizations such as the American Heart Association and the USDA continue to caution consumers against all tropical oils, including coconut oil.

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Juicing: An Immune Booster That Tastes Great and May Even Curb your Appetite!

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Written by Judy E, Marshel, PhD, RD, CDN

Juicing is a powerful way to get incredible doses of healthy vitamins and nutrients into your body. It can have dramatic positive effects. Fresh vegetable juice helps to give you more energy, lower your chances of contracting chronic disease and may even accelerate weight loss.

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Live Light Live Right Guest Blogger: YOGASMOGA


Yoga Apparel Brand Shows Real Beauty

The benefits of yoga range from healing aches and pains in the body, to fortifying the immune system. It comes with little surprise that people of all ages; taking up a yoga practice has positively impacted backgrounds, shapes and sizes. While many are mindful of the reasons that bring them to the studio, not much thought goes into the messaging behind the clothes these yogis sport in class.

As the yoga movement gains popularity in Western markets, many brands are jumping on the opportunity to appeal to this growing group. A majority of these labels utilize nearly identical, thin and flawless models to advertise their exercise ensembles. This creates quite a paradox for the modern yogi: while photo retouching promotes a standardized image of “the beautiful yoga body,” this rigidity does not reflect the diversity and variety within each practitioner’s yoga journey.

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